The Museum of the American Gangster is really a hidden gem. You could live in New York City for ages without ever hearing of this museum. In fact, we’d apparently passed by it many times before and never noticed the building or the sign until we purposefully sought it out.
We really didn’t know what to expect since we hadn’t heard much about the museum. We also didn’t have a particular interest in the subject matter, but as one of the guides noted, it actually touches upon much of the history of America itself.

The museum is open from 1 pm – 6 pm daily, with tours at 1 pm, 2:30 pm, and 4 pm. We made it in time for the 4 pm tour. Upon arrival, we entered a room with a hodgepodge of newspaper clippings, photographs, artifacts, paraphernalia and posters hung in every nook and cranny of the room. A lot to look at, but not much to read, and it seemed like we’d get very little out of just walking around and browsing. Maybe this would just be a wasted trip, we thought. Then the tour started.

The tour aims to present the role that organized crime played in shaping NYC, Chicago, Las Vegas and other cities in America. Our guides were Tilman and Tyler, who alternated leading the tour. Located on the lower east side, the museum itself is housed above a former speakeasy, frequented by many of the most well-known gangsters. The tour started by providing the context for the beginning of gangster activity in America: prohibition. Prohibition created a black market and opened doors for gangs to organize bootlegging operations, open speakeasies, and racketeer. Prohibition also led to widespread corruption throughout law enforcement. Many officers were on the payrolls of notorious gangsters, while others would turn a blind eye in exchange for the occasional bribe.

The tour went on to discuss the most famous of the gangsters and their outfits including Al Capone, Lucky Luciano, Bugsy Segal, Meyer Lansky, Arnold Rothstein, Bugs Moran and many others. We were also taken downstairs to the former speakeasy, which now operates as a bar, and shown the nightclub’s former dance floor, now used as a theater. We were then led through the intricate, narrow underground tunnels below the venue. The tour also included discussion on other famous American criminals like John Dillinger and Bonnie and Clyde, ending with stories of Henry Hill (made famous by Ray Liotta in Goodfellas), who became a friend of this museum after abandoning his life of organized crime and becoming an FBI informant.

The information itself is beyond fascinating and the guides are careful to present only information that is historically accurate and has been verified. With history this colorful, there is no need for exaggeration or embellishment anyway. The guides are very well informed and present the information in an organized and engaging way that will more than hold your attention for the 60 minute duration of the tour. There is so much information to pass along and we didn’t want the tour to end. I could easily have stayed for double the time! After the tour, you are more than welcome to stay and browse as long as you’d like and the guides are on hand to answer any additional questions you have.

Couldn’t be happier that we stumbled upon this place and it’s absolutely worth a visit, irrespective of your level of interest in American gangster history. You will be entertained no matter what and you’ll learn many interesting facts and tidbits to share. But do note that when you go, you must time your visit with the beginning of a tour. Otherwise there isn’t much use in going. The museum is properly navigable only with the tour, which provides the structure and information you need to then look through the displays yourself after the tour.

The Museum of the American Gangster is an entertaining, unique way to spend a couple hours. We’d highly recommend a trip!