Museum Hack, the company behind the amazing and unique Metropolitan Museum of Art Tour and American Museum of Natural History Tour, has expanded into scavenger hunts. For their newest iteration, they’ve chosen Grand Central, one of the most iconic places in NYC. At the designated time, all competitors meet the guide at the Graybar Passage to receive their assignment: to save Grand Central Terminal from a developer who is determined to tear the building down.
After a short introductory video in which Jackie O’s ghost elaborates on the task at hand, each team is given a clip board with instructions and clues, and the race starts. Through a series of puzzles and video clips (for which you will need a smart phone), each team attempts to be the first to successfully answer every question and meet at the secret location, which can only be determined by solving each of the puzzles. Throughout the hunt, you are led to a series of rooms, floors, and sections of Grand Central to search for clues and write down answers. While speed is essential, it is not the only determining factor, as teams rack up extra points for documenting their journey through videos and pictures (the funnier, the better). The race lasts 60 minutes and the winning team receives an appropriately themed prize.

There are no restrictions on how you solve each puzzle, which is nice and allows teams to get creative. You can speak with employees, search the internet, or even just rely on your own personal knowledge. But, of course, the answers are meant to be contained in the locations to which you are led throughout the tour, so there’s no need to use anything other than what is in Grand Central itself. The scavenger hunt is a low-key, fun way to see parts of Grand Central you’ve never seen before and notice little details that you’ve no doubt overlooked on your countless journeys through the station. It’s not aimed at tourists, with the majority of people being locals who just want a fun way to pass a bit of time during their afternoon. The scavenger hunt is a great complement to one of Museum Hack’s tours, so if you want something more active and less structured, check this out!
I LOVE the Urbanscoop and this particular entry! I would love to do this next time we are in New York.
So how realistic was Jackie O and how did you guys do?
Well, she at least wore large sunglasses and had brown hair. And we got second place!