Frannie’s YoArt is located within the Plaza Hotel food court and is a standard self serve frozen yogurt place, working just like any other self serve shop. You grab a cup, fill it up as much as you want with any combination of the 10 or so flavors of frozen yogurt they have, top it with as much as you want of any or all of their 40+ toppings, take it to the register, and pay by weight.
Because this is in the plaza hotel, the prices are slightly more expensive, but barely so. $.69 per ounce if you do just frozen yogurt, $.79 per ounce if you do frozen yogurt plus toppings, and $.89 per ounce if you do only toppings (who does that, by the way?).

They offer seven standard flavors every day: vanilla, chocolate, strawberry, toasted almond gelato, nutella, cookies & cream, and original tart. And they have an additional 30 or so rotating flavors, a few of which are available each day.
Their topping options are vast, including almost anything you could possibly imagine. Many types of fresh fruit, M&Ms, candies, nuts, cookie dough, brownies, carob chips, granola, sprinkles, wheat germ, etc.

If you like frozen yogurt, you’ll like this for sure, but I will say I prefer other frozen yogurt shops to this one. The froyo here seems to be a bit sweeter, unnecessarily so, which some may like, but I don’t. It is expensive, but every frozen yogurt shop is pretty expensive. I think the average person pays between $7-12, so it’s quite a costly habit, but that’s how it is in all these shops in NYC!
Employees are nice and you can try flavors before you fill up your cup.